Moving Day
I have moved my blog!!! You can find future Green Eyed View posts at:
So, change all your links and bookmarks and head on over to my new space on the World Wide Web. Hope to see you there!! :)
The Ramblings of a Green Eyed Gal
I think that its a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images...
I have moved my blog!!! You can find future Green Eyed View posts at:
This year, I got the bright idea to make a few of my gifts to a) satisfy my creative, crafty side that has been neglected for some time, and b) make my small Christmas gift budget go a bit farther. I decided to create a few mosaic items for a few select friends and family. I have not had much experience with mosaics. I think I have made one in my life, and that was a mosaic tile I made at Different Strokes last year. All the materials were placed in front of me, and all I had to do was glue the tiles to a square ceramic tile. A first grader could do it [and probably better than mine turned out..]. But doing a mosaic from start to finish...well, I was heading into a new frontier, where no green eyed gal....uh...named Sarah Jean Hodges....who has a dog named Jasper.....has gone before.
Today I experienced my first fire in the fireplace at The Palace [aka Jamie's and my apartment]. We've never had a fire, and we've lived there almost a year. In fact, there was a half burned log in the fireplace when we moved in. That logged got burned today. We probably would still have not had a fire if my wonderful boyfriend hadn't decided that he was going to build us a nice toasty fire for us when he came over for breakfast this morning. Thanks David! He worked a good while and managed to build a really nice homey fire. It was nice sitting by the fire, drinking hot tea. I hope this is the first of many cozy fires this fall/winter! It sure was a good day for it. It is chilly out!
I am in a place of complete and total happiness.....
As Fall has "officially" arrived on the calendar, I thought it appropriate to give a little summary of my exciting, blog post-less summer.
Yesterday I went on a very lovely walk in the woods with Dave. It was awesome. The woods are on a nice piece of land owned by his sister and brother-in-law. It was a perfect evening for a walk. The temperature was just right, and the air had just the right amount of crispness in it. I took several deep breaths along the way to savor the woodsy, fall scents. We saw a few deer and found ourselves whispering for quite a bit a time after that. The sounds and silence of the woods were too natural and sacred to ruin with our human chatter. Afterwards we sat on his tailgate in the adjacent meadow and talked as the afternoon faded to dusk and dusk faded to that wonderful "gloaming" and it became too dark and chilly to enjoy [as much].
Its been a long time.... I really didn't intend for this much time to go by. But a week faded into a month, and then a month or two went by. I bet there are some out there who don't even bother to come here anymore to see if I've updated, because they have given up on me ever returning, believing I have let this Green Eyed View fall into the shadows of blogging past.
Happy Summer Solstice! Today is the longest day of the year (meaning the most sunshine we will have all year long). Also, today just happens to be this Green Eyed Gal's Birthday.
Its Father's Day, and I wanted to dedicated this post to my daddy. I have been asked to speak at church tonight about my dad, which has my nerves all worked up b/c I just do NOT like being up in front of people. For any reason. Anyway, I have been working this morning typing up what I want to say about daddy, and I wanted to post it here in its entirety:
Yes, I am here. Sorry I've not posted anything in a while. I am planning on posting about Oaxaca.
Well, I am Mexico bound. I leave tomorrow night for Tulsa, and then fly out EARLY Saturday morning for Oaxaca, Mexico. I will be part of a mission team of 20 people from my church, The Grove. I am very, very excited. Our team will be doing a medical clinic, construction work, and other ministy opportunities. I will be part of the team going into the mountains, which is where the medical clinic will be. I am not sure how exactly I will be serving, but I am so ready to serve the Mixteco and minister however God wants me to. I want to be His hands and feet, and be used by Him. It is going to be a GREAT trip, and the team is made up of GREAT people. Be praying for us. I will be gone all next week, so don't expect to hear from me until later. I hope to have many an exciting tale to share. I am preparing for an AWESOME ADVENTURE, and want to be ready for anything and everything God has in store!
I came home yesterday evening to this: