Resolution Revolution
I have never put put much stock in the idea of New Year's Resolutions. In thinking through my life, I don't remember ever making any. I may have had a passing thought now and then at the beginning of a year ["you know, I should drink more water this year"], but I wouldn't say I was resolute about any of these thoughts. I agree with 'resolving' to make changes in one's life, but don't hold to the idea that you store them up and wait for the beginning of a new year in hopes that doing so will make you more apt to hold to those changes. I don't know of any people who have made serious New Year's Resolutions who have kept them for very long into the New Year. From what I have seen, New Year's Resolutions have just become fodder for humor in TV and print media.
With all that said, I may have to join that camp this year. I have a few changes I very much would like to initiate in my life, that I've just recently thought of. They are NOT going to be resolutions, but changes. Small changes, but changes none the less. But we'll see. I am still contemplating. Hmm.....
10 Sagacious Sayings:
I was going to resolve to kiss a girl this year! Then remembered the two restraining orders from last year and I hate getting slapped, so maybe I could resolve to say hi to a girl this year?
I think you should resolve to eat more ribs and watch more movies with your brother!
stop joking like that on my blog! You scary weirdos!!
You are just trying to distance yourself from us to make yourself look normal!! But we know!!
Facts about Sarah:
She was a strong willed child or possessed!
She causes sleep apnea in friends!
Dang I could only come up with two, so maybe you are not a weirdo after all..
what the heck are you talking about with causing sleep apnea???
You are only serving to make yourself appear weirder, my friend...
Apparently it is. He now agrees.
It IS true that two of her former roomates NOW have sleep apnea and will forever sleep with a strange contraption on their head. Gee thanks Sarah.
I protest Shelli! My 2 former roommates were MAJOR SNORERS when I ROOMED with them, and most likely BOTH had undiagnosed sleep apnea at the time. So I in no way caused their sleep apnea. :P
Hmmm....Nicole, that is a very interesting theory and one that deserves further research. I may be up to trying that one with you!!
Sorry ladies I tried the reverse new years resolution psychology for 13 years with no luck!!
Besides I think Sarah and I figured out why so many great and awesome women are still single.. Now the interesting thing is what can be done about it!!
yeah! Exactly! haha! Its not in the girl camp, that is for sure. ;)
Agreed this is a case when my brothers in Christ are letting some awesome sisters down and need to get with the program!!
Going to blog about this in a day or two.. Thinking the title should be somethign like "Forget the goatee grow a.." Well the title is still a work in progress..
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