Thursday, September 15, 2005

Wishing on Stars

I know I have said this before, but I really enjoy watching stars.

I was thinking recently how I used to be a frequent wisher on stars. It has always appealed to my romantic sensibilites, I think. Actually, when I was young, I would wish on
everything: the first star of the evening, falling stars, birthday candles, necklace clasps, dandelions, wishbones, pennies in fountains, eyelashes, ladybugs…....if I heard that it could be wished upon, I wished on it. I think would even ‘spiritualize’ it sometimes by turning it into a prayer and ending it with ‘amen’. Hahaha. ;)

Yep, I was a dreamer; still am, a bit. :) I was always the one with the overactive imagination, the hopeless romantic, the hopeful one who saw most of life through rose-colored glasses. :) I still have my imagination and am soo a hopeless romantic and probably hope more than I should [my rose colored glasses are another story I will not go into..;)]. But alas, I am all ‘grown up’ now, sort of….I guess, maybe....what does that mean, anyway??? Somewhere along the way I think I stopped wishing on all things wishable. At the very least I think I stopped 'believing' in the wishes. In some ways that isn't a bad thing, but in a way.....

Why does the wonder of childhood have to fade as we grow up? Now, I know that you can't go around making 'wishes' on objects and expect them to work magic and have those wishes come true. I know it doesn't work that way. But boy, wasn't it neat to have that kind of belief in the power of wishes? To know that it was possible because you wished it, and even if it didn't come true to hope that the next one just might?

But, as I think about it, I think my belief in the power and magic of making wishes has been replaced by a much more powerful belief....FAITH. That faith is grounded. Now that doesn't mean I go around "believing things are so in order for them to be so". I do not walk with a reckless, blind faith. No, my faith is based in God, and in the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. I believe God. I believe His Word. If He says its so, then I know it will be so. I may not see it clearly at first [and I may not ever], but I trust my loving Father and believe His "wishes" for my life are the best.

And so now I gaze at the stars, praise Him for His gloriously beautiful creation, and put all my hope in Him. My Abba has the whole world in His hands. He is so BIG. He covers me, His princess, in His love, His mercy, and His grace. I will be given all He has planned for me, precisely when He has ordained, and not a moment sooner. I am loved, I am chosen, I am forgiven, I am redeemed, I am beloved, I am blessed. I am a child of the King. I am His precious one.



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