Monday, June 13, 2005

Did it Storm Last Night???

So...I vaguely remember waking up at some point last night to some really loud thunder and strong wind gusts rattling my bed room windows. I think I remember a few heart pounding moments of apprehension, mumbling a prayer, and then cuddling back under the covers. It is so fuzzy in my mind, though, that I don't know if it was real, or if I was having some vivid reality dream or something. So, was there?? Can anyone help me out?

I feel weird today...kinda.... fuzzy headed and...random.....blah.....woke up this way, took an Advil.....:) But I doubt it has anything to do with the storm [whether real or imagined]. It is Monday {a song about Mondays is running through my head at the moment}, and I am feeling the pressure of a lot of things that need to be done this week. Its ok, though. They'll get done.

Anyway....Life is great! I am happy! And I am blessed beyond what I could ever ask or imagine. :D God is GOOD! :D

That's all I got for now....

4 Sagacious Sayings:

At 6/13/2005 2:30 PM, Blogger Shelli Chuckled and said...

"Just another manic Monday...whoa uh whoah"

"Monday Monday"

"Rainy days and Monday's always get me down"

Which song were YOU thinking about?

And stormed really bad last night.

At 6/13/2005 2:56 PM, Blogger sarah j. Chuckled and said...

Yep, the first one is the one...

It's just another manic Monday (oh-woe)
I wish it was Sunday (oh-woe)
'Cause that's my funday (oh-woe)
My I don't have to runday (oh)
It's just another manic Monday.

At 6/14/2005 1:03 PM, Blogger sarah j. Chuckled and said...

We are weird! We're.....unique! And even if we were, weird can be....good....

Gosh! Last night's storm was bad! No fun [especially at high speeds].. :P

At 6/14/2005 1:04 PM, Blogger sarah j. Chuckled and said...

I meant...we AREN'T.....we AREN'T weird. It was totally a typo!!!


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