A cereal box, an intern, a new perspective, and a ball
12:01 pm
I am just sitting here all alone in the office listening to Michael Buble's "You Don't Know Me", which I got free from a Kellogg's Cereal box. Man, prizes in cereal boxes sure have gotten good. Back when I was a kid, the highlight in the box of cereal was a secret decoder ring or something. Now, its free song downloads. Ah, technology advancement is great (in this case....).
2:07 pm
The intern who is working in my office is driving me up the WALL. If I was a mean person, I would light a verbal fire under him and completely put him in his place!! I know, that is a horrible attitude. And I do feel bad. I don't even know what it is about him that annoys me so much. I mean, he is a nice kid, and does an ok job with the tasks he is given. However, I find him to be.....incompetent.... at times. AND, it really steams me when he doesn't take responsibility for his actions when he screws something up. ARGH! Also, while I am complaining, he LOVES to talk. And not just talk, but BABBLE on about......oh, I don't know what. Nonsense, mostly. (much like I do in all of my blogs, hahaha). Here I am, trying to concentrate and WORK (for the most part), and he is standing at my desk trying to shoot the breeze! And I am too nice of a person to openly be hostile to him and tell him to bug off (instead, I tear him in pieces in my mind and on my blog... :P)
Wow, that felt really good to get out of my system. Cleansing breath..........ahhhhh. :) OK!
I really don't want my blogs to appear like I am disgruntled, negative, or depressed all the time. B/c really, I am a generally happy person. I think I really am trying to hard with this Blog. I think I feel like everything I say has to be funny or witty, instead of just going with the flow and being myself. I think I am feeling a lot of pressure with the idea that anyone could read this. But in actuality, VERY few people will probably ever read my little "view". I mean, there are a LOT of blogs out there. I have a few friends who may check out my blog once in a while (as I do theirs), but that is about it. And I certainly don't have to try to be funny with them, b/c they know me, and like me for who I am, regardless of whether my daily tidbits are "cute" or not. I will get this whole blogging process down, I promise.
So where do I go from here. So far, this entry has been very random and unfocused. Hmmm, much like my life right now. My thought process is such a mess as of late. I can't seem to focus on anything. Is it possible to develop ADD as an adult?? I know there is "adult onset diabetes", but is there such a thing as "adult onset attention deficit disorder"? B/c if so, I think I should be checked....
Oh, on another random tangent, I bought an exercise ball yesterday. I had gone to Target on my "perfect brush quest" (still to no avail), and ended up leaving with an exercise ball instead. I have purposed to get in shape. I know it is possible, b/c I have been in shape before, and am not too much out of shape at the moment. So, I bought this 65 cm ball, and was all prepared to start an intense program (with other activities along with the ball) to get myself into "swimsuit shape" in 28 days (dang those fitness articles). But I have to wait until THURSDAY before I can begin using the ball. The instructions on "proper inflation" say to fill the ball mostly full and let it sit 24 hours, and then fill it all the way and let it sit another 24 hours before using it. :P So that is my "excuse" to not do any physical activity until the ball is ready for use. I am full of excuses.....
1 Sagacious Sayings:
Blog advice form someone who does not blog…
All your friends, my friend, are your friends because of who you are… Who your are is pretty amazing! So just be yourself and don’t worry about trying to be anything more or less…
Ohhh and make sure you can edit these so that when you find a boy you can adjust stuff before you let him read it so you do not sound like a ADD brush obsessed freak!! ;) Which you are not… well mostly not…
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