Monday, May 09, 2005

The Quest for THE Perfect Brush

Its Monday. I really dislike Mondays, but so do half the people on the stinking planet who have to leave their warm, comfy beds early on Monday mornings after a too short weekend. And my weekend was WAY too short for my liking. It was a good weekend, just brief.

Emotionally I am feeling....blah. I feel sort of detached, restless, and a little poopy. Of course, this is nothing new. It has been a way of life for some time now. I feel like I felt when I first graduated college and wished time and time again that I was one of those irresponisble free as a bird types that could pick up and go travel Europe for an extended period of time. That would be great. I would love to travel from town to town with just a guidebook and phrasebook, getting odd jobs when money was needed. But alas; I am of the responsible, borderline Type A class who freaks about what would happen with her mail if she suddenly left for an long hiatus and didn't have each major phase of a trip planned ahead of time. I would probably end up getting mugged in some random village in Denmark and left with just the clothes on my back, eventually starving to death on the side of the road b/c I couldn't find an American Embassy.

I am currently searching for a particular brush that my stylist said I should use when styling my hair. Of course this translates in my mind as THE brush I MUST have in order to acheive THE perfect look that she was able to do at the salon when I went to the fun, flippy shorty hair style. I have not been able to find this brush after a moderate amount of searching the past 10 days. So, I still have not been able to have the style I could have if I only had the brush. Because OF COURSE my current round brush will not work as well as THE brush I am supposed to use. The brush of all brushes is a Goody Ouchless Round Brush. I was told I could find it at my local Wal-mart, but I haven't been able to as of yet. I have also tried Walgreens, 2 beauty supply stores, and the Internet. My next course of action is to branch out to other Wal-marts in the area, and visit Target. The price of beauty is a beast......

And speaking of beauty, I had a self esteem pick me up on Saturday night. I was sitting at a stopsign on a side street on my way to meet some friends for a girl's night out dinner. As I was waiting to turn left, a CUTIE PATOOTIE guy in a really nice white truck turned right onto the same side street. I had just happened to glance up at Mr. Eye Candy, and there was a few wonderful moments of eye contact. Oh yeah. Then, said cutie proceeded to tap his horn at me a few times. Yes, a major esteem booster. This was, in fact, a first for me. I am now convinced that the flippy hair do was the right choice. Heehee!

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